The Executive "Solution"

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment is required to be carried out in all workplaces by the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1992 (SI 1992 No 2051) and is to be conducted by competent persons on a regular basis, particularly where changes are made to existing work processes or where new work or technology is introduced into that workplace.

Equally as important as identifying areas of potential loss in production, quality, distribution, etc. is the need to identify areas of potential loss in health & safety. Managing a business is about identifying areas of risk and controlling them.

In terms of health & Safety, identifying the hazards is the first step towards this goal, followed by carrying out a risk assessment of those hazards and making improvements where the risks are unacceptable.

The process is a proactive measure to protect the business from the ravages of costly accidents and incidents, those involving injury and non injury to personnel as well as damage to property and the environment.

The Risk Assessment programme is designed to allow Supervisors, Managers and workers as a team, to carry out assessments in their own area of responsibility without any previous knowledge of the process of risk assessment.

Each task or process carried out in the workplace must be identified and a clear picture of exactly how the task or process is carried out is drawn up. Using this detailed knowledge, the user is guided through the process of risk assessment by answering a series of questions within the programme, these questions being designed to identify discreet areas of risk brought about by the circumstances under which the task or process is performed. It goes without saying that the results of the assessment will only be as good as the way in which the questions are answered, i.e. truthfully and objectively.

When all relevant questions are answered, the programme produces a report which is printable by the user, giving recommended actions for Managers to carry out in order to reduce the risk. The recommendations are prioritised into LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH and VERY HIGH. The priority for action should always be to attend to the Very High risk areas first, followed by successive actions in descending order (High followed by Medium and so on).

Sample - Risk Assessment

Sample - Risk Assessment

Ideally, when a set of actions have been carried out, the task or process should be re-assessed to ensure that the desired results have been achieved. You will invariably find that where you have reduced risk, you will have improved efficiency and moral of the workforce by improving working conditions.

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Health and Safety Risk - Assessments - Insurance Linked - Analyses Accidents - COSHH - Health and Safety Audit - Permit to Work