The Executive "Solution"


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The Health & Safety Executive

'The Health & Safety Executive recognises that development of concepts as The Executive Solution, encourages compliance with Health & Safety legislation, and assists the development of training and best practice in the realms of health and safety. Over a period of time, the Executive Solution concept is likely to produce not only a safer working environment for employees and visitors, but is also likely to reduce costs'

The R.J. Wallace Syndicate at Lloyd's

'The R.J. Wallace Syndicate has built its reputation on its innovative underwriting and in supporting Executive Solution, this enables it to continue this approach in the next millennium'

Royal and Sun Alliance

'The Executive Solution fully compliments our objective to achieve a positive risk management attitude towards reducing both insured and uninsured costs'

Zurich Insurance Company

'Identifying and managing risks is a characteristic of every socially aware business - businesses owe it to themselves, their workers and their workers' families. insurance companies can't replace limbs or resurrect the dead. The Executive Solution helps businesses to understand the health and safety issues which confront them and take steps to make the workplace safer'

St. Paul International Insurance Company

'We are pleased to recognise the Executive Solution as a hugely practical risk management system to our policyholders. There is no doubt that the Executive Solution can improve Health & Safety within most commercial organisations. I am sure that using it effectively will lead to a better environment for the workforce, improved business efficiency and a reduction in both insurance cost and the hidden cost incurred when accidents and other incidents occur.'

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This page was last updated on the 1 May 2002